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  • Writer's pictureBrigitte McGuire


Taxes are up a historic amount!!

Sewers are costing even more than already predicted.

Biase center repairs are taking forever with our money.

All the extra money on blue beach mats didn't even create full accessibility for the handicapped.

We keep finding endless projects and presentations and don't see any completion or end of the road with our money.

WE ARE WITHOUT A FULL-TIME BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR EMPLOYEE IN THIS BOROUGH! That is the top employed position of the day-to-day operations. Larry Fox has been at his games again with his own agenda. Below, I share factual information (with some of my critical thinking questions) to help you understand the importance of what we are lacking in our town hall.

LET'S START HERE: An elected council person, and/or "highest vote-getter", in the legislative branch has absolutely ZERO correlation to any part of the Business Administrator employee of our Borough.

Here's a simple rundown timeline: (feel free to confirm any of this on your own)

  • Meredith DeMarco barely campaigned. Larry Fox campaigned for her and even spoke for her on campaign materials defaming other council members. She allowed it.

  • She was elected into office starting January 1.

  • Council meetings were moved unannounced from Tuesdays to Wednesdays to accommodate Meredith's schedule. (She missed a good amount of meetings anyhow. Tell me why she ran again? Was it for a council seat or to load up her resume with "council person and council president"??)

  • Within weeks, the previous business administrator (Kim Humphrey) announced she was leaving Bradley.

  • The job ad went out on the League of Municipalities in February for the Business Administrator position - However, it did not include any requirement of municipal administration experience which is not the norm compared to other town ads for municipal business administration. - Meredith applied for this job at some point early on in her council role. It wasn't known to the public, meanwhile, she continued voting as a legislator (along with Larry Fox every step of the way), while she was a candidate for the top employment position in this town. (Is this even allowed?)

  • Budget season appeared and Meredith didn't even make it to the budget workshop with the residents. As an applicant for BA, she voted along while not even understanding the budget at all. (Wasn't this a major conflict??) As council president, she mentioned that the CFO gave her about 30 answers that the council was questioning, and meanwhile never communicated any of those answers to the council!?!? (And now she is the temporary BA controlling the spend of our money??) 🥴

  • We brought on Greg Ferenbach as the temporary acting business administrator, with decades of experience in public administration.

  • Larry Fox did not take advice and consent from the council for the hiring of a new permanent BA. Instead, he sued them and chose HIS own TOP 3 candidates. (one being Meredith Demarco)

  • The council gave advice and consent of the top 3. The one they chose is a West Point graduate with a MASTERS in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION and many years of experience as a MUNICIPAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR. The majority of our elected council wanted this top candidate for our Borough. (Why would our Mayor choose Meredith over this highly qualified candidate??) Meredith has neither the experience nor the qualifications. (she was a deputy clerk)

  • Larry Fox blatantly ignored the majority council and on his own appointed Meredith Demarco as a temporary acting officer (business administrator) for 90 days.

  • Meredith started as a temporary acting BA on October 1. Meanwhile, in the mid-November meeting, she publicly referenced Mr. Ferenbach as still advising on specific issues. (Why, if she's so qualified?)

  • In our Borough ordinance, there was a loophole. After 90 days, Larry would be able to reappoint someone again because as long as the seat became vacant, he could appoint a temporary acting person.

  • The council figured out that this was his plan moving forward. Councilman Weber asked him publicly and he surely admitted to it. Here's the link to the clip:

  • The council brought forth this ordinance to be struck (eliminated) so that we don't continue to have a loophole in our law.

  • This strike in the ordinance will more than likely be adopted at the December council meeting.

You can pull on heartstrings all day talking community and the heart of Bradley Beach. You can also campaign and spread rumors to try and get your way, and sometimes the lies do work - But only TEMPORARILY! Just like the temporary acting business administrator position. When the intention is special interests and favors, it will always catch up and be brought to light.

I live with the belief that truth sets us free! I also believe that the heart of the people sees the truth and wants the best through and through for the ENTIRE community. Not special interests, not special favors, not political play. You either align with what's true and what's right for the whole heart of the community or you don't. The choice is yours when you carry your own heart and hit your own pillow at night.

hoping for truth and unity...see you in the chilly sand.

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1 Comment

Nov 30, 2023

SO well articulated and grounded in facts, not emotions. I agree, pointing to truth will expose manipulation and nefarious intentions behind the words and actions of those who seek to divide. Thank you for this poignant and timely blog. It is a powerful message, for sure. 🙏

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