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  • Writer's pictureBrigitte McGuire

Take the Stand

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Admittedly, I am known to share my perspective, and loudly so. Some may say it's stirring the pot while others say it's courageous. Let me reiterate: I am a heartfelt resident in our town, raising my children, assiting in running a buisness, and am invested here full-time. I love Bradley Beach and will continue to take a stand, while hoping to inspire others to question, to seek truth and to get involved.

I will make this post as short as I can in response to several recent events, comments, and previous blog posts.

Regarding the women's event to support a young female running for council: I never said it was run by the alliance. I clearly stated it was "run by people on the alliance". Was it a private event? yes, I was well aware. Was I speaking for the women of our town, who vote, who would've liked to have been included? yes. Do I wonder if this group is aligned with special interest Main St. initiatives, certain developers, and inside agendas, whether they realize they are or not? yes. Do I think people are being strung along and buttered up for these inside agendas? yes. Do I think they all have bad intentions? no. But being fooled, promised, buttered up? yes. Am I seeing the same group at all these places I am questioning? yes. Have any of them reached out to me to recitfy anything, to directly explain where I could be wrong without circling around the point, maybe to create unity or offer me another perspective? Not really. I'll clarify. Gary Englestad reached out once wanting to speak. I said, "sure". Until he asked me to meet at Darcy's which simply wasn't for me as I don't know him personally at all. I have nothing negative to say about our former Mayor as I was only somewhat involved in town or learning things via my zoning and business experiences and he always seemed pleasant, neighborly and positive. For the record, I also love Darcy's and want to clarify that before that becomes an off topic target against me too.

As for the Political Campaign Flyer: I fully support the pantry and I will continue to keep on repeating. I also fully support small businesses in Bradley Beach, including a celebration of a 25-year anniversary as it is something to be extremely proud of. The two event notices didn't even match. Reading one flyer had nothing to do with a business celebration as the other had nothing to do with the "sponsoring" politicians. I am making clear that at every angle someone came at me about this, only deepened my convictions that it certainly was a political event. Am I thrilled so much money was raised for a great cause? absolutely! Do I love a business celebration with live music? 100%. Did I repeatedly explain this seemed like a political event along with thos great things? YES! Congressman Pallone is running this year...Senator Gopal is our future district Senator, but our future district assemblywomen were not invited (that was confirmed). Our current Senator and Assemblymen, Singer, Thomson and Kean, were in fact invited as I confirmed this as well. Their offices explained their reasons for not attending (mentioned on social media) which also included, "we were told awards were being given to Pallone and Gopal, and we felt it wasn't really an event for us". I still expressed that it would've been nice if they were able to attend for Bradley Beach Food Pantry.

Let me be clear, we need term limits all around here. So I am not dissappointed to be redistriced come January. As for Senator Gopal; he is younger, with vibrant blood and I am respectfully accepting to have his representation of Bradley Beach. I have very positive experiences in supporting him. So again why were our future, (new to legislative politics) assembly women, not invited along with our future Senator? That's the question which most steered clear from on social media. The question I wanted answered was what was ignored. This is a pattern. Take a stand, be direct and in return don’t receive a direct answer and be attacked, gaslighted or teamed up against.

Oh and one last point about yesterday. I find it interesting to have recognized the head of DOT ( Department of Tranportation) at a 25 year buisness celebration to raise money for the food pantry. Maybe I am missing something I do not know about, but do I smell "transit village?"

See you in the sand…maybe on the pantry porch.

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Sep 02, 2022

Thank you for taking the time to research and write this!

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