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  • Writer's pictureBrigitte McGuire

Happy and Healthy New Year with a twist of Fox Frustrations.

Wishing all a Happy and Healthy 2024. Like I always say, we are made up of way more than politics and fortunately, living in Bradley Beach, is a positive commonality we all get to share.

However, here's to keeping up on the latest council meeting news...

The amount of Fox frustrations are so overwhelming, that I don't know that I can even keep up with all of them these days. I will do my best to get right to the point on the several topics that I will touch upon. And most of the video clips can speak for themselves.

This next clip is an explanation from some council members about how they were not invited to the borough holiday party. And although this can sound petty, this is exactly the division happening at the top, by this Mayor and his administration against the town council. To properly serve Bradley Beach, alongside this Mayor, seems to be a constant uphill battle.

Next topic: The Mayor reopened the lawsuit from when he sued the council, and he is basically suing them a SECOND time! This is all because he is fighting to keep his temporary appointment of Meredith DeMarco as a full time employee.

There have also been a number of conversations on social media sites. One of them on Nextdoor is quite full of some information. I will post the link here and share one of the comments I made in a response to someone regarding the topic above:

"Terence I appreciate the elaborate conversation. In response I'd like to address that the council never fought about Meredith being a choice for BA. The council was given the Mayor's top three choices and as a democracy should work, chose the one most qualified and experienced. The Mayor is who did not like that choice, did not work with the majority as a democracy, and HE FOUGHT the council. That led to Fox and DeMarco unethically conspiring and using the loophole in the law regarding a temporary position into a full time long term position. Meredith doing a "good job" of course is the be expected when given such a big opportunity. However, her extremely extensive training on our dime, because she is not qualified nor experienced as a BA, is not even something to negotiate. Three candidates were offered and one with the most experience and qualifications AND majority vote is who should be our BA. Full stop. Not someone doing a "good job' because they got in the back door deal conspiracy. We also must question her "good job" while Fox speaks for her and micro manages her. Mr. Fehrenbach is still shadowing De Marco and Humphrey as our QPA is also a Fox quarterback. So who's really doing the "good job"? If you look back to Fox's first year, it was actually very cordial and collaborative. What is to be questioned is when former BA Ms. Humphrey joined forces with Fox. That is when back door deals began being made with developers, professionals were being hired for a lot of money, all her friends were being hired for a lot of money, the church property became an issue, the lake benches disappeared, the mysterious $300,000 was trying to be passed in the budget, Lying Larry Sexsmith computer appeared costing a lot of tax money and creating division, $100,000 playground, nepotism hiring, tourism takeover, the destruction of volunteers and the committees, the hostile takeover amongst employees, and non residents running for council positions. The list goes on.

We sure are a laughing stock because our Mayor is the weak link."

Another topic which was actually touched on in conversations on that same Nextdoor thread was about the infamous Lareine church property. A few months ago, the Mayor and council actually reached a common ground, so it seemed. They discussed selling the church property as is, but taking it to the land use board to have it deed restricted into four single family lots before selling it off as one sale. It was a refreshing evening when this happened because finally the Mayor seemed to have been ok with the majority on this plan to move forward. However, at this past January 10th meeting, a resident asked about the church property. Here's a clip of the Mayor answering the resident with surprises of RFP's for the property. "RFP's for what" you ask? The Mayor circle talks without giving us any clue whatsoever on what his plan is. So tell me now, who exactly is stalling the sale of the church property and not willing to work with the council?? Let us remember how the Mayor poisoned our community over the church property, creating such division for his self serving agenda during campaign season. Hindsight is 20/20.

One of the BIGGEST issues going on in town is that our Mayor has appointed himself as the new tourism liaison. This opens us up for a huge liability risk. Why? you ask, I will post the article right here:

Fox was adamant to residents and council members to take this position. Many asked why he would do this if it could be opening us up to another lawsuit. But he stood firm. See here:

While we enter a new week with a council meeting on Wednesday's schedule, I think it's important to share so many of the happenings. I may not share all of the sunrises and puppies (which I do love), but I do believe that sharing the information about our local government is super important. Not always comfortable but important nonetheless. If we stay blind and quiet to what is going on, many of us will soon be sold right on out of here.

I do hope that my information helps alert residents who cannot make meetings, to what is going on.

See you in the sand...or snow.

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