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  • Writer's pictureBrigitte McGuire

“ENOUGH” Larry Fox

So as many of you know, I recently had a lawsuit against the borough of Bradley Beach for redacted emails that I had received after requesting them through the Open Public Records Act. For those of you who may not know, the open public records act is a New Jersey law that governs public access to government records maintained by public agencies in New Jersey, simply put you can contact the clerk or the business administrator if you wanted to receive records on a specific topic. There are some stipulations as to why you may not be able to gain access to some records (in protection of employees info etc), but for the most part, public information should be pretty accessible via an OPRA request.

So last year I requested several topics and I am getting to the point that the borough of Bradley Beach may have to soon start paying me for black ink. You’ll see what I mean in the video below:

This amount of black ink has become quite a regular response to me when I request information. We pay an attorney to sort through emails and black out appropriate information. So now ask yourselves, when basic public information is blacked out and a resident sues the borough for the information and is awarded 20 emails, HOW MUCH ARE WE PAYING AN ATTORNEY TO BLACK OUT 20 EMAILS THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BLACKED OUT? AND HOW MUCH ARE WE PAYING THE SAME FIRM TO DEFEND THE POORLY REDACTED EMAILS IN A LAWSUIT?

Isn't it a conflict that the firm that redacted the emails was the same law firm to defend themselves in this lawsuit??

Let's move on to the topic in an email I was awarded, regarding Councilman Gubitosi questioning many issues during the 2023 budget process. There are emails going back-and-forth where he is questioning and discussing a good amount with Mr. Greg Fehrenbach, who was our acting business administrator for part of last year.  In the picture below, you’ll see an email I received (primarily redacted) which is now uncovered, where Larry Fox accidentally responded to Councilman Gubitosi when really he thought he was emailing Greg Fehrenbach.

You can see in the email where Larry Fox writes. Greg, "Enough. Now that the budget is signed off - let’s talk."

Notice Councilman Gubitosi ‘s response in stating "Larry judging by the tone of your email I think you meant to reply to Greg and not include me. I’m curious to find out what quote “Enough” is referencing… 

Now, although this little bit of unreadacted email might not seem like a big deal, I’d like to take a moment to explain a few things :

  1. The outcome of my lawsuit - I was awarded 20 of the 31 redacted emails. 

  2. 20 very basic emails were redacted and just these very few I share today are: a. Showing how Larry Fox speaks to employees. b. Hiding basic information, costing the borough a lot of unnecessary money. c. Hiding his demands in stopping the business administrator from answering budget information. 

  3. Fox expresses that the budget was "signed off" so "ENOUGH"! (He must've just had gotten what he wanted). A signed off budget to OVER spend our money, so say no more!  

I do have more info to come as I get through organizing all of this black ink. However, after seeing our 2022 audit which came back lacking $1,000,0000, and now seeing how Fox didn’t want Councilman Gubitosi ‘s questions answered any longer after a "signed off" budget, makes me extremely suspicious of what the 2023 audit will show.

It also makes me BEG and PLEAD that our current council not dare pass a budget this year until we see a 2023 audit.

Larry Fox’s email in telling Greg Fehrenbach “Enough. Now that the budget is signed off”, tells us everything we need to know on how Larry Fox hides so much information from all of us. Although Fox hates when we say there is such a lack of transparency, that's actually nearing a compliment to him these days. After the 2022 audit results and what these few basic emails show... let's just say I give credit to whoever nicknamed him Lyin' Larry.

See you in the Sand...or at Staples for an ink cartridge.

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2 comentários

08 de abr.

Thank you Brigitte. You are peeling away the layers of the rotten onion. You, other fearless, outspoken residents, and our brave council are truly preserving the future of our borough with all of your hard work.


Bob Patten
Bob Patten
08 de abr.

Thank you Brigitte. Fox is slowly getting pushed into a corner and we will continue to push to uncover more incriminating evidence pointing to reckless spending.

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