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  • Writer's pictureBrigitte McGuire

And We're Off to the Races

Full stop during candidate certification week. We have a councilman sharing that we have a possible ineligible candidate running for council, backing it with photos of a certificate of occupancy for another town; Belmar. These photos show that this candidate would not fit the requirements for the election statute of needing to have resided here for the prior year of the election.

Ok, give me a moment...

Is all of Bradley Beach on the edge of their seats not knowing what end is up right now?

We, as a community, have needed to depend on social media for facts. Here's why. We have an administration (mayor, business administrator, and council president) who does not answer questions directly, if at all. Let me explain. Sadly we are a divided town. BUT it's not what you think (there's hope). We have a town full of people who love Bradley Beach, many who are trying to save it from the special interest groups and keeping Bradley growing organically with charm and non-partisan grace. And then we have the other small handful; THE POLITICAL MACHINE. Pay attention to HOW your questions are being answered and by WHOM. Follow the money folks!

Some may complain that social media has become a political nightmare, and I cannot disagree. But please, for the sake of our beautiful town, do your own research. Don't just go on hearsay or private emails from politicians. Listen carefully, because you will understand what I usually try to repeat. Some point fingers while others state facts. Some spread rumors while others spread the truth. Some speak of "issues" while others share the juice. Some want to speak privately off of Facebook while others don't fear social media. Although it is all dramatic and exhausting, it is very telling.

It takes the people with heart to stand up, be courageous, and get back the community and democracy we so deserve. These people stand against the name calling from "factions to karens", all while still at the frontline for OUR town. Some spend money on lawyers just to get back legal fees to prove the lies. Again, follow the money folks. Why does our town give reason for lawsuits and settle? Because settlements mean one thing (they wouldn't win to proceed). Again, follow the money folks. Pay attention to the people saying some are making money off lawsuits, while they themselves are making money off of special interest deals and our tax dollars. Let us protect our families, our homes, and our tax dollars. WE have to do it together! It cannot be the bigwigs, the political names. Let small-town government be your neighbors who care, who don't scowl and get mad, but rather gather altogether to figure things out, don't let it be the machine. It now has to be social media we depend on for those trying to keep the integrity of a small town. Many have to battle name-calling, gaslighting, and finger-pointing because when there is so much to hide, that's all they can do. If there are no lies, then why go offline?

I will share the councilman's post here with photos, which seemed to have gotten taken down from the Bradley Beach Community FB page. Feel free to view it here. And if this link is to get taken down as well, maybe it is beneficial to also follow:

Bradley Beach on Nextdoor


Preserving Bradley Beach group on FB

Psst, I hear there's a special call tonight with the real faction here in town. It includes our Mayor and his special group on why they need to beat out some other candidates.

Don't forget to follow the money folks.

Councilman Randy Bonell's Post:

40A:9-1.13. Eligibility for candidacy or appointment to local elective office;

Except as provided in section 9 of this act, no person shall, on or after the effective date of this act, be eligible to become a candidate for any local elective office, or to be appointed to any local elective office, unless he is registered to vote in the local unit to which the office pertains, and has been a resident of that local unit for at least 1 year immediately prior to the date upon which the election for the office is to be held, or prior to the date upon which the appointment is made, as the case may be.

Relevant documents addressing questions raised yesterday:

414 4th avenue closing date 6/29/21

Belmar winter rental application & certificate of occupancy, Tenant Tom Gavin 8/23/21, rental term 9/9/1 to 5/15/22

414 4th ave certificate of occupancy 6/7/22



Good morning Bradley Beach!

I had a little fun with yesterday’s post for the holiday, but will get back to serious business today. Please, please, be polite with responses, everyone’s opinion counts. Also please try to be brief.

There are specific qualifications at the state level required of individuals running for elected positions:


• Must be a registered voter of the Borough of Bradley Beach.

• Must also be a resident of the Borough for at least one year immediately prior to the date of the General Election.

• In conjunction with the requirements set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:45- 8 requires that the candidate have been a registered voter at the time that the petitions are submitted.

• The candidate is not allowed to cure this defect by registering after the last date for filing of the petition.

If a potential candidate doesn’t meet all qualifications, and is intentionally deceitful in presenting said qualifications to the voting public, should they be disqualified from running?

If the individual is successful in hoodwinking the voting public and gets elected, would you expect them to continue similar fraudulent practices once in office??

If a current elected official has constructive knowledge of an ineligible candidate but continually supports the individual for office, is that an ethics violation???

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