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  • Writer's pictureBrigitte McGuire

2024 FAILED Budget Process

Bradley Beach supposedly just filed (WAS DUE MARCH 30th) the 2023 ANNUAL FINANCIL STATEMENT (AFS) on Monday; according to the Mayor at the meeting last night. However, it is not on our website nor did the council know about it.

There is also NO 2023 Audit filed yet.

The 2024 budget has been off by $222,000 based on what the council has been given months ago, and the council members had many questions about it.

NO ANSWERS HAVE BEEN GIVEN. WEEK AFTER WEEK. MONTH AFTER MONTH. Therefore they have repeatedly voted NO to pass this budget introduction because they kept trying to get answers that continuously have been ignored. Or they’ve been given non answers that don’t make sense.

The DCA began fining ONLY the four council members daily since July 17th because a budget introduction had not been passed.


Mayor Fox, Meredith DeMarco (Borough Administrator), Greg Fehrenbach (Volunteer Borough Administrator), Ricky Gartz (CFO), Allison Gavin (Alleged Assistant CFO) make up THE TEAM FOR THIS BUDGET. Meanwhile not one of them have had communication in answering any questions to our council who need to vote on this budget that is off by $222,000.

With over $2 Million of drained surplus (overspent savings of tax payer dollars) and Covid money records unaccounted for, a budget with a $222k discrepancy, a very late Audit and AFS, HOW THE HECK IS THE DCA NOT HOLDING THIS ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET TEAM OF FIVE ACCOUNTABLE??

The level of frustration and angst, being a resident who is very involved in understanding how my taxes have gone up about $7k in four years, (approx $12k from before we built new in 2020) is beyond bearable. So much so that being called a bully and worrying about people disliking the “fighting” does not concern me at all. I have no ill will toward my neighbors and I will continue to “fight” for what is RIGHT IN BRADLEY BEACH. I do feel based on many conversations in town that those who “don’t like the fighting” do not seem to understand how much money is “missing”. They begin asking me alot of the same questions many of us (who are called bullies) have been asking for the past two years. Once I explain, people walk away with a new found understanding that it isn’t fighting at all. It is righteous anger and frustration at an administration not giving us answers to clarify anything about our tax dollars.

It’s never too late to be involved in your town happenings.

OUR SYSTEM IS SO BROKEN! Simply because of a Mayor and collusion of those he has put in place via loopholes, volunteering and promoting without any say in our government process. NO ONE WANTS DIVISON, FIGHTING OR DISCOMFORT. WE WANT THINGS TO WORK CORRECTLY AND TO NOT BE IGNORED OR LIED TO.

-The 2022 audit showed “material misstatements” (FRAUD)

-2021 & 2022 Covid funds of $434k used as revenue and “no responsive records” for them.

-Over 26 bank accounts not reconciled

-And so much more!!

The best news is that this Mayor isn’t running again for 2025. But he has announced that he is backing candidates who I am sure are all ready to continue the same shenanigans. And they were on his porch just the other day with their notepads having a powwow.

How could anyone run in this next race taking any tips from the man who has historically destroyed this town in a short four years! Unless they just have no clue…

Anyone Larry Fox supports is a run for the same disaster.

See you in the sand…local summer.

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